首页  »   剧情片  »  莫德罗监狱1977  »  正片
红牛线路 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
卧龙线路 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
闪电线路 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
无尽线路 如无法播放,未更新少集,试换播源
The film tells the story of a young accountant (Herrán) on remand pending trial for embezzlement and possibly facing 10 to 20 years in prison, a disproportionate sentence for the nature of his crime. However, this is 1977 and inside the Modelo prison it is a case of survival of the fittest. Despite everything working against his acquittal, the young man refuses to dive up and j...